Frequently Asked Question

What kind of loans do you finance?

Diggifi finances all sorts of real estate loans, in the United States. These include acquisition loans, construction loans, renovation loans, bridge loans along with construction takeouts and permanent financing. We do these for long-term and short-term rentals and work with a network of specialty lenders to help get you the loan that you need.

My construction team all need to work together. Can Diggifi support a broader team?

Diggifi is designed for use by you, and is free for your whole team. There’s an easy tool within the app to indicate that you are part of a company, and then for you to invite your colleagues to join a company workspace. We give you construction management and schedule-builder software, for 1-10 unit housing.

I run a one man-shop. Is Diggifi for me?

Diggifi is designed for you, too. Within the app, you’ll simply select the choice of “Solo” (not “Company”) and you’ll get the benefits of industrial-strength project management and schedule-builder software, for free.

How do I get a loan?

Getting a loan from Diggifi is easy. Simply download our app, click the bright green dollar sign, and answer a few easy questions. We take it from there, getting it to the lenders that it fits best and so are most likely to fund it. In 60 seconds, you will be on your way toward your next real estate project. The best 60 seconds you’ll spend today!

What happens if I’m a repeat borrower and I want to get a second or third loan from Diggifi?

We love repeat borrowers – it gets even easier, as by your second loan, we know and trust you, even more. Either way, don’t just stay with your one lender - Diggifi keeps working for builders to get you the best terms for your latest project. And once you qualify as a Certified Borrower, you become eligible for discounted fees from Diggifi.

Do you finance new real estate investors, or only seasoned ones?

We gladly work with both new and experienced real estate investors, with both our project management and financing suites. We have lenders who gladly finance new investors and seasoned ones, alike, as long as their projects are good ones and promise to be profitable. Of course, we love working with investors who have a real track record. At the same time, a special shout-out to you, new investors: We salute your entrepreneurial spirit (after all, we are entrepreneurs ourselves!).

If I request a loan in Spanish, do all of your lenders bid on my business?

¡Absolutamente! (That’s “absolutely!” in Spanish)...and the same is true in English, too. That’s one of the great things about the Diggifi system – borrowers get to fill in the project plan and loan app in the language they prefer, yet lenders see it in the language they’re comfortable in. And if you fill it out in Spanish, all of our communications with you will be in Spanish, too.

Can Diggifi get me a loan outside the United States?

Not yet – but we would love to hear from you if you want us to launch in your home country. In the meantime, our subcontractor scheduling and project management tools are designed for use all around the world, and we encourage you to do so. We support project planning in either English or Spanish, so whether you sit in the USA, Australia or Canada, live in Spain, Argentina or Mexico, or just speak English or Spanish – Diggifi schedule building, project planning and subcontractor management is for you.

How do I create a Project Plan?

It couldn’t be easier to get started, but you can also customize it to really make it your own. To get started, simply click the bulldozer icon in the app and it will generate a project plan quickly, using our QuickPlan tool. This lets you create a high-quality baseline schedule for yourself in under 30 seconds, using our checklist-driven AI, and based on your answers to a few simple questions. If you want to further customize the baseline schedule, you can easily do so by changing the timing and order of your steps, and adding your own schedule steps, too. Either way, your vendors/sub-contractors also get worked in, to ensure you (and they) know the schedule, and stay on schedule.

How do I store documents for a project?

After you’ve create a baseline schedule, we know how hard it is to keep everything organized. So, our app includes tools for you to store your receipts, permits, certificates, and all other documents, organized around the precise place in your schedule they belong. You’ll also be able to go back in time, to earlier projects, to view these documents, if you ever need to – thinking like your accountant 😊.

How do I track progress on a project?

When you create a baseline schedule, there are target dates automatically assigned to each step along the way. This overall schedule, and its line-items, get used by Diggifi as your benchmark schedule going forward. Then, the Diggifi app gives you tools to track your progress; to attach receipts, permits, and other related documents; and to assign vendors. To track your progress – just tag each step as completed, delayed, or pending.

How do my subcontractors get scheduled on a project?

While you’re creating a baseline schedule in Diggifi, there are easy tools for you to attach a subcontractor or vendor to each step along the way. The great news is that, by attaching a vendor, you get Diggifi’s robot-reminder alerting your subcontractors that they’re on your project and expected to be on site on the dates you’ve designated. We’ll remind them more than once, like a good doctor’s assistant, keeping your project healthy. Finally, you can choose from your own vendors or Diggifi’s list of vendors (and no, we don’t make referral fees on these).

Still have a question about our service?Contact with us